Thursday, November 22, 2007

Covenant Day

a Jesus thought...
So why are you upset with me because I made a man's whole body well on the Sabbath? Don't be nitpickers; use your head—and heart!—to discern what is right, to test what is authentically right." (John 7:24)

a Godly thought...
When the bible speaks of following Jesus, it is proclaiming a discipleship which will liberate mankind from all man-made dogmas, from every burden and oppression, from every anxiety and torture which afflicts the conscience. (p31 Bonhoeffer)

a leading thought...
The only difference between being a dreamer and a goalsetter is adding a deadline to the dream. (p37 Newman)

a Dave thought...

to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as an officer of The Salvation Army
to love,trust and serve him supremely all my days,
to live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of my life,
to care for the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, love the unlovable, and befriend those who have no friends,
to maintain the doctrines and principles of The Salvation Army, and, by God's grace to prove myself a worthy officer.
Done in the strength of my Lord and Saviour

This is the officers covenant which Kylie and I signed yesterday. The table we signed our covenants on is over 100 years old and is actually the same table our parents Wes & Glenyce Collinson and Ian & Marilyn Hamilton also signed on in the 60's & 70's. It was a really significant day and to sign my third life long covenant after soldiership (1984) and marriage (1993) is one I will never forget.
The covenant is personal, challenging and between God and myself, and with Him helping me is one I desire to keep throughout my life.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave for sharing the Covenant which officers sign. It was a timely reminder of the Covenant which many of us have signed in the past. Although there came a time for health reasons that I had to step aside from officership, in reading this again I can honestly say that I have not stepped aside from the Covenant which was made between myself and God. I still live for the purpose of reaching out to the lost, least and lonely and I am still in ministry within the Corps which I attend. It is nearly 40 years since I signed that Covenant and I will be attending a re-union in January to celebrate that occasion. I knelt at that same table (Altar) with one of your uncles who had gone into Training College from my home Corps at the same time as I did. I also know your parents and Kylie's parents and they have all carried out their Covenants with grace. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.